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The following table is taken from IEC 60287-1-1:2006 and other sources:
IEC 60228 is the International Electrotechnical Commission's international standard on conductors of insulated cables. Among other things, it defines a set of standard wire cross-sections:
{mceSQLTable, [Select Top 1 'Country', 'Soil Thermal Resistivity K.m/W', 'Ground Ambient Temperature, °C', 'Air Ambient Temperature, °C', ''] [SELECT Country AS Country, SoilThermalResistivity AS SoilThermalResistivity, GroundAmbientTemperature AS GroundAmbientTemperature, AirAmbientTemperature as AirAmbientTemperature, '/mce/mceMainApp/assets/images/flags/' + Flag AS FlagURL FROM Country WHERE Country not like '%_other%' ORDER BY Country][table table-hover][][][FlagURL][img img-responsive]}
steady state fault level [kA] Ik or Ik3 - three phase fault Ik1 - phase to earth (or phase to neutral) fault Ik2 - phase to phase fault Ik2E or IkE2E - phase to phase to earth fault
per unit quantities Ibase - per unit current base Pbase - per unit power base Vbase - per unit voltage base Ybase - per unit admittance base Zbase - per unit impedance base Zpu - per unit impedance Z% - per unit percentage impedance