Relaiability & Backup Policy

Last updated on 2018-05-28 1 mins. to read

Cable Data, Reports & Standards

We only store the latest edit of your cable.  We do not keep track of any previous edits.  If you delete a cable, it is permanently removed from our database and is gone forever.  The only exception is that as part of our disaster recovery plan, we keep point-in-time backups of our full database for a limited period.  

All reports are dynamically generated and downloaded to your computer.  Again, we do not keep copies of any reports at our end. 

Our site is heavily based on standards (for data and calculation methods) and manufactures cable information. As standards change and manufacturers update their information, we update our application accordingly.  With any changes in data or calculation methods, the results of any calculations may be affected (typically only in minor ways).

Keeping Records

We would recommend that users keep their own internal records in the form of downloaded reports.  Saving reports will ensure that information on deleted or edited cables can be retrieved. Additionally, if some variations creep in due to changes in standards, previous reports can be used to evaluate any discrepancies. 


Our application is hosted using Microsoft Azure.  This gives the following benefits to our users:

  1. Service level agreement of 99.95%
  2. Ongoing data backups (including alternative geo-location hosting)
  3. 30-day point in time backup of user data
  4. Scalability to meet any growing demand within the Application
