Parameters [settings]

Last updated on 2019-11-11 3 mins. to read

You can use the parameters menu to configure the base station according to the following table:

FB Description  
B29 Remote logging enabled 0 - disabled
1 - enabled

Analogue IO configuration using eight-bit binary converted to an integer number. 
bit = 0, analogue input        - temperature
bit = 1, analogue input        - 0-10 V input

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
IO I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1



I1-I8 temperature = 00000000, B42 = 0

I1-I4 temperature, I5- I8 current = 11110000, B4 = 240

I1, I2, temperature, I3, I4 current, I5, I6 voltage, I7 ambient temperature, I8 unsued = 00111100, B4 = 60


Digital IO  configuration using eight-bit binary, converted to an integer number. 

bit = 0, digital input             - on
bit = 1, digital input             - off

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
IO I16 I15 I14 I13 I12 I11 I10 I9


