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In general, the cable impedance can be calculated in accordance with IEC 60909-2 'Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 2: data of electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations. This standard give gives appropriate formulae for a variety of single and multi-core cables with or without metallic sheaths or shields. For situations not covered by IEC 60909, we can use the fundamental equations to derive a suitable formula.
For a single conductor, the internal (self) inductance due to its' own magnetic field is given by:
with the reactance given by: X=ωL=ωμ08π
and: μ0 = permeability of free space, 4π 10-7 N.A-2 L = self-inductance in H.m-1 X = reactance in Ω.m-1 ω = angular frequency = 2πf
For a second external conductor, the inductance due to the field produced by this other conductor is given by:
and: Le = inductance due to external conductor, H.m-1 d = distance to an external conductor, m r = radius of the conductor, m
For two parallel conductors, the total inductance of one conductor is given by:
whit the reactance given by:
Lt = total inductance of one conductor (cable core), H.m-1 Xt = total reactance of one conductor (cable core),
For multicore cables, it is often the case that the distance between cores varies. For example in three cables in flat formation, L1 to L2 and L2 to L3, will be different than L1 to L3. To cater for these differences, we use a concept of geometric mean spacing (also see Geometric Mean Distance):
The above can be extended for cables with more cores, or to find the average phase to neutral spacing for example.
The above are valid as positive sequence impedance for a cable. Unfortunately, the calculation of zero sequence is more difficult. Several papers have been published on this and the use of Carson's equations as a means to calculate the zero sequence impedance is an accepted approach. Deriving equations utilising Carsons' equations is fairly complex and not strictly necessary here. The end results of such derivates are presented in IEC 60909 and we can use these directly.
In some instances, it is also necessary to consider the soil penetration depth ẟb in the calculation of zero sequence impedance (see IEC 60909 part 3):
where: δ - equivalent soil penetration depth, m μ0 - permeability of free space (= 4π × 10−7), H.m−1 ρ - soil resistivity, Ωm
For three single core cables, in either trefoil or flat formation, the positive and negative sequence impedance is given by:
Three or four cables without metallic sheath or shield (equally loaded).
Positive sequence impedance (phase or neutral):
Z1=RL+jωμ02π14+lndrL - (10)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through the earth (E):
Z0=RL+3ωμ08+jωμ02π14+3lnδrLd23 - (11)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N)
Z0=4RL+j4ωμ02π14+lndLN3rLd - (13)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N) and earth (E)
Z0=Z(0)11−3ωμ08+jωμ02πlnδdLN2RL+ωμ08+jωμ02π14+lnδrL - (14)
Three or four core cable without metallic sheath or shield (equally loaded).
use Z(1)10, (equation 10)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N, full cross section)
Z0=4RL+j4ωμ02π14+lndrL - (19)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N, reduced cross section)
Z0=RL+3RN+jωμ02π1+4lndLN3rLrN34d - (23)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N, full cross section) and earth (E)
Z0=Z(0)11−3ωμ08+jωμ02πlnδdLN2RL+ωμ08+jωμ02π14+lnδrL - (20)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N, reduced cross section) and earth (E)
Z0=Z(0)11−3ωμ08+jωμ02πlnδdLN2RN+ωμ08+jωμ02π14+lnδrN - (24)
For three single core cables, with a metallic sheath or shield, in either trefoil or flat formation, the positive and negative sequence impedance is given by:
Three cables with metallic sheath or shield (equally loaded, bonded both ends).
Positive sequence impedance:
Z1=Z(1)10+ωμ02πlndrSm2Rs+jωμ02πlndrSm - (15)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through shield (S)
no equation given by standard
Zero sequence impedance, current return through shield (S) and earth (E)
Z0=Z(0)11−3ωμ08+j3ωμ02πlnδrSmd232Rs+3ωμ08+j3ωμ02πlnδrSmd23 - (16)
Three or four core cable with metallic sheath or shield (equally loaded, bonded both ends).
Zero sequence impedance, current return through screen (S)
Z0=RL+3RS+jωμ02π14+3lnrSmrLd23 - (31)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through screen (S) and earth (E)
Z0= Z(0)11-3ωμ08+jωμ02πlnδrSm2RS+ωμ08+jωμ02πlnδrSm - (32)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N) and screen (S)
Z0=RL+jωμ02π14+3lndLNrL d23+3RN+jωμ02π14+lndLNrNRS+jωμ02πlnrSmdLNRN+RS+jωμ02π14+lnrSmrN - (27)
Zero sequence impedance, current return through fourth conductor (N), screen (S) and earth (E)
Note: the calculation of zero sequence impedance is complicated. Sheaths, armour, the soil, pipes, metal structures and other return paths all affect the impedance. Dependable values of zero-sequence impedance is best obtained by measurement on cables once installed.
d - geometric mean spacing (line to line), m dLN - geometric mean spacing (line to neutral), m RL - conductor resistance (see ), Ω or Ω.m-1 RN - neutral (fourth) conductor resistance, Ω or Ω.m-1 Rs - metallic sheath or screen resistances, Ω or Ω.m-1 μ0 - permeability of free space (= 4π × 10−7), H.m−1 rL - radius of the conductor, m rN - radius neutral (fourth) conductor, m rSm - mean radius of the sheath or shield [0.5*(rSi+rSa)], m δ - equivalent soil penetration depth, m
The d.c. resistance of cables can be estimated in accordance with CENELC technical report CLC/TR 50480 "Determination of cross-sectional area of conductors and selection of protective devices", dated February 2011.
For a conductor:
R= ρ 20 S
where R = d.c. resistance of the cable Ω.m-1 ρ20 = electrical resistivity of conductor material at 20 °C, Ω.m S = cross sectional area of conductor, m2 [or 1e-6 mm2]
An alternative to calculating the d.c. resistance is given by IEC 60228 "Conductor of insulated cables". The standard has tables of maximum allowable resistance for various copper and aluminium cables. For more details see
Typical resistivities can be found in the Useful Tables part of the Knowledge Base.
The standard IEC 60228 'Conductors of Insulated Cables' specifies the maximum allowable resistance for conductors. Values given in the IEC 60228 standard are used within For situations and cables not covered by IEC 60228, then resistance values are calculated using the CENELEC formulae.
Resistance calculated above is valid for unscreened cables. For screened (or any type of magnetic shield) cables, with the metallic screen earthed at both ends, the resistance increases as depicted in IEC 60909-9 'Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 2: Data of electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations' table 7. See for more details.
The ac resistance of a conductor is always larger than the dc resistance. The primary reasons for this are 'skin effect' and 'proximity effect', both of which are discussed in more detail below. Calculation of the a.c. resistance is derived from equations given in IEC 60287 "Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating".
Skin and proximity effects into account with the following formulae:
R ac =R[ 1+ γ s + γ p ]
where Rac = the ac resistance of the conductor R = the dc resistance of the conductor ys = a skin effect factor yp = a proximity effect factor
While the above formulae are pretty straight forward, working out the skin and proximity effect factors is a little more involved, but still not too difficult.
As the frequency of current increases, the flow of electricity tends to become more concentrated around the outside of a conductor. At very high frequencies, often hollow conductors are used primarily for this reason. At power frequencies (typically 50 or 60 Hz), while less pronounced the change in resistance due to skin effect is still noticeable.
The skin effect factor ys is given by:
γ s = X S 4 192+0.8 X S 4 with Xs2=8πfR10−7ks
where: f = supply frequency, Hz ks = skin effect coefficient from the table below R = the dc resistance of the conductor
Proximity effect is associated with the magnetic fields of conductors which are close together. The distribution of the magnetic field is not even but depends on the physical arrangement of the conductors. With the flux cutting the conductors not being even, this forces the current distribution throughout the conduit to be uneven and alters the resistance.
The formulae for the proximity effect factor differs dependant on whether we are talking about two or three cores.
- two core cables or two single-core cables
- for three core cables or three single core cables
where (for both cases):
dc = diameter of the conductor (mm) s = distance between conductor axis (mm) kp = proximity effect coefficient from the table below
Note: 1. for three single core with uneven spacing, s = √(s1 x s2) 2. for shaped conductors, yp is two-thirds the value calculated above, with dc = dx = diameter of equivalent circular conductor of same cross-sectional area (mm) s = (dx + t), where t is the thickness of insulation between conductors (mm)
* for s, we can gain some advantage by using the geometric spacing. See: Geometric Mean Distance .
The d.c. resistance of a conductor is dependent on temperature:
R t = R 20 [ 1+ α 20 ( t−20 ) ]
where Rt = resistance of conductor at t °C R20 = resistance of conductor at 20 °C t = conductor temperature, °C α20 = temperature coefficient of resistance of material at 20 °C
Typical temperature coefficients can be found in the Useful Tables part of the Knowledge Base.
At zero current the cable conductor temperature will be the same as the ambient temperature. At the maximum sustained current rating, the cable will be at the insulation limiting temperature (typically 70 °C for thermoplastic insulation and 90 °C for thermosetting insulation). At a current rating between these extremes, the cable temperature will be at a value between ambient and the limiting temperature.
The cable operating temperature can be found from:
t= ( I b I z ) 2 ×( T c − T a )+ T a
where Ib = cable design current, A Iz = sustained current rating of cable, A Ta = ambient temperature, °C Tc = conductor [insulation] limiting temperature, °C
The international standard for conductors is IEC 60287. The standard classifies conductors according to four classes:
- Class 1: solid conductors - Class 2: stranded conductors - Class 5: flexible conductors - Class 6: flexible conductors (more flexible than class 5)
- Class 1: solid conductors
- Class 2: stranded conductors
- Class 5: flexible conductors
- Class 6: flexible conductors (more flexible than class 5)
For each class of conductor, the standard defines the maximum allowable resistance at 20 oC:
The inductance of a cable consists of two parts:
Both concepts play a role when calculating the inductance for multi-conductor systems like three-phase cables.
For single-phase cables, the inductance (L) formula aligned with IEC 60909 is:
L=μ02πlnDr+14 H/m Where: μ0 is the permeability of free space. D is the center-to-center distance between the conductors. r is the radius of the conductors.
L=μ02πlnDr+14 H/m
For three-phase cables, the inductance matrix includes self and mutual inductance terms:
When calculating the inductance of a cable, it is important to consider all factors. Some of the more common considerations include:
Mutual Inductance: In a three-core cable, the cores induce a magnetic field on each other. This can be accounted for using more complex matrix methods to define the mutual inductance between cores.
Shielding: The presence of a metallic shield can alter the inductive characteristics of the cable.
Non-uniform Arrangement: If the cores are not equally spaced, a more complex geometric mean distance (GMD) method may be required.
The BICC Electric Cables Handbook give the formula for inductance as follows:
L=( K+0.2ln 2S d )× 10 −6
Where: L - cable inductance, H.m-1 K - conductor formation constant S - axial spacing between conductors within a cable, mm - axial spacing between conductors in trefoil, mm - 1.26 x phase spacing of flat formation conductors, mm d - conductor diameters, mm
For 2, 3 or 4-core circular or sector-shaped cables, multiply the above by 1.02 to obtain the inductance. Multiply by 0.97 for 3-core oval conductors.
Typical values of K
Electrical resistivity, also known as specific electrical resistance or simply resistivity, is a property of a material that measures how strongly it opposes the flow of electrical current. It is the inverse of electrical conductivity, which measures a material's ability to conduct electrical current.
Electrical resistivity is defined as the resistance of a material per unit length and per unit area, measured in ohm-meters (Ω⋅m). It is denoted by the symbol ρ and is determined by the following formula:
ρ=R×AL where R is the electrical resistance of the material in ohms A is the cross-sectional area of the material in square meters L is the length of the material in meters.
In other words, electrical resistivity measures how difficult it is for electrical current to flow through a material. Materials with high resistivity have low conductivity, and materials with low resistivity have high conductivity.
Several factors affect the electrical resistivity of a material, including:
Electrical resistivity is an essential property in a wide range of applications, including:
In summary, electrical resistivity is an important property that measures how strongly a material opposes the flow of electrical current. It is affected by temperature, composition, and microstructure factors and has critical applications in fields such as electrical wiring, heating elements, sensors, and resistors. Understanding electrical resistivity is essential for engineers and scientists working in various fields and is key to developing new materials and technologies.
The inductive reactance of a conductor is given by:
Where: X - is the reactance in Ω.m-1 L - is the inductance in H.m-1
The capacitive reactance of a conductor is given by:
Where: X - is the reactance in Ω.m-1 C - is the capacitance in F.m-1
Electrical resistance measures a material's opposition to the flow of electric current. It is essential to understand the behaviour of electrical circuits and electronic devices. Electrical resistance is denoted by the symbol "R" and is measured in ohms (Ω).
Several factors affect electrical resistance, including the following:
The electrical resistance of a material can be calculated using the following formula:
R = ρ ⋅ L A Where: R = electrical resistance (in ohms) ρ = resistivity of the material (in ohm-meters) L = length of the wire or conductor (in meters) A = cross-sectional area of the wire or conductor (in square meters)
R = ρ ⋅ L A
This formula shows that the resistance of a material is directly proportional to its length and resistivity and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area. Therefore, longer wires or conductors made of materials with high resistivity will have higher resistance, while larger wires or conductors made of materials with low resistivity will have lower resistance.
A copper wire has a length of 10 meters and a cross-sectional area of 0.5 square millimetres. The resistivity of copper is 1.68 x 10-8 ohm-meters. What is the electrical resistance of the wire? Using the formula, we can calculate the electrical resistance of the copper wire:
Therefore, the electrical resistance of the copper wire is 3.36 ohms.
The resistance of a material increases as its temperature increases. This phenomenon is known as the temperature coefficient of resistance and is denoted by the alpha (α) symbol. The temperature coefficient of resistance is a measure of how much the resistance of material changes with temperature and is given by the following formula:
α = 1 R × dR dT Where: α = temperature coefficient of resistance (per degree Celsius) R = electrical resistance of the material at a reference temperature dR/dT = rate of change of resistance with respect to temperature
α = 1 R × dR dT
This formula assumes a linear relationship between resistance and temperature over the given temperature range.
For most materials, the temperature coefficient of resistance is positive, which means that the resistance increases with temperature. However, some materials, such as carbon and silicon, have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance, which means their resistance decreases with temperature.
The formula for calculating electrical resistance due to temperature change is:
R=R0[1+α20(T2−T1)] Where: R is the electrical resistance of the material at a given temperature (T). R0 is the electrical resistance of the material at a reference temperature (T0). α is the temperature coefficient of resistance. T1 is the given reference temperature in degrees Celsius T2 is the given temperature in degrees Celsius