Use the link on the left to access our cable sizing application. Manage and size all your cables, from low voltage to 33 kV.
The cable engineering section contains a collection of topics related to using the application and cables in general.
Dielectrics (insulating materials for example) when subjected to a varying electric field, will have some energy loss. The varying electric field causes a small realignment of weakly bonded molecules, which lead to the production of heat. The amount of loss increases as the voltage level is increased. For low voltage cables, the loss is usually insignificant and is generally ignored. For higher voltage cables, the loss and heat generated can become important and needs to be taken into consideration.
Dielectric loss is measured using what is known as the loss tangent or tan delta (tan δ). In simple terms, tan delta is the tangent of the angle between the alternating field vector and the loss component of the material. The higher the value of tan δ the greater the dielectric loss will be. For a list of tan δ values for different insulating material, please see the Cable Insulation Properties note.
Note: in d.c. cables with a static electric field, there is no dielectric loss. Hence the consideration of dielectric loss only applies to a.c. cables.
Dielectric loss only really becomes significant and needs to be taken into account at higher voltages. IEC 60287 "Electric Cables - Calculation of the current rating", suggests that dielectric loss need only be considered for cables above the following voltage levels:
Given the tan δ and capacitance of the cable, the dielectric loss is easily calculated:
W d =ω C U 0 2 tan δ
It is possible to use the above for other conductor shapes if the geometric mean is substituted for Di and dc.
dc - diameter of the conductor, mm Di - external diameter of insulation, mm C - cable capacitance per unit length, F.m-1 U0 - cable rated voltage to earth, V Wd - dielectric loss per unit length, W.m-1 tan δ - loss factor for insulation ε - insulation relative permittivity ω - angular frequency (2πf)
Cable Capacitance
Cable capacitance can be obtained from manufacturers or for circular conductors calculated using the following:
C= ε 18ln( D i d c ) 10 −9 F. m −1
The economic optimisation of cables is the selection of cable sizing based on the overall cost of a cable installation, including consideration of the power losses throughout the life of the cable. Typically an economic optimisation exercise suggests a cable which is larger than the minimum size required to meet sustained current capacity requirements.
Where economic optimisation of the cable results in a larger size, the supply and installation cost will be greater, but the cost of cable power losses during operation will be less. The overall life cycle cost of the cable is reduced. With lower operating losses, the overall energy efficiency of the electrical cable system will increase.
This section of the current rating standard gives a method for calculation of cable size based on the economic optimisation. The total cost of cable is given by:
CT - total cost of the installed length of cable, cu CJ - present value of the Joule losses over the life of the cable, cu
The costs are expressed in arbitrary currency units, cu. The Joule losses consider the energy cost and the costs for the additional supply capacity to provide the losses.
Note: the standard goes into detail on the calculation CI and CJ. As we move to implementing the calculation in myCableEngineering, we will expand this section to illustrate the complete method.
The new edition (18th) of the BS 7671 Wiring Regulations are due to be published in July 2018. A key change is a new part, Section 8 on Energy Efficiency.
It is likely that part 8 will recommend increasing the cable size based on accessing savings within a time scale to any additional cost of increasing the cable size. Currently, the draft standard is also suggesting, the calculation method found in IEC 60287-3-2.
The economic optimisation of cables has been on our to do list for a quite a while now. Additionally, we already have already implemented many of the algorithms necessary to carry out an IEC 60287-3-2 calculation. With the future inclusion of this type of calculation in BS 7671, there is now, even more, of an impetus to complete our implementation of the analysis. We do intend to have this up and running before the publication of the new 18th Edition.
Estimating cable life is complex and will on give results within some statistical variance. A key determinant in cable life is the temperature at which the insulation is operated. IEC standard 60216 gives guidance on estimating the thermal endurance of insulation based on measurements on test samples. For any particular cable, it is probably best to discuss with the manufacturer.
The Arrhenius equation is often used to predict the lift span of insulation materials:
k=A e E/ RT
k - expected life in hours A - pre-exponential factor E - activation energy R - Boltzmann constant T - temperature in K
To put the equation in a more useful form, we can take the natural logarithm and rearrange the terms:
lnk=lnA−( E R )×( 1 T )
Since A, E, and R are constants, this becomes a straight line with a negative slope of (E/R) plotted against the inverse of temperature (1/T).
A sometimes adopted rule of thumb is that for every 10 °C rise in temperature, the life of insulation is halved. Inversely a 10 °C decrease in temperature will double the life of the insulation. The Rule is based on the Arrhenius Equation of chemical reaction time vs temperature.
The image below illustrates a typical cable performance as provided by the manufacturer:
From the Arrhenius equation, we know that relation ship is that of a log-linear straight line:
with the slope m, given by: ( ln(20,000) - ln(5,000) ) / (125 - 145) = 0.0693
and the x-axis intercept, b by: ln(20,000) - m * 125 = 18.5678
and, for example at 110 °C, the estimated life span would be:
y=exp(−0.0693×110+18.5678)=56,500 (or 6.5 years)
Two crucial standards often come into play when specifying power cables: IEC 60502 and IEC 60840. Both are issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and provide comprehensive guidelines on power cables' construction, testing, and application. However, they cater to different voltage ranges and applications, making it essential to understand their distinctions.
IEC 60502, "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)," primarily addresses the needs of medium voltage distribution networks. This standard details requirements for materials, construction, and testing of cables for up to 30 kV voltages. It encompasses various aspects, including:
IEC 60502 is a comprehensive guide for engineers and consultants in designing and implementing medium voltage distribution networks, ensuring that the selected cables meet the required operational and safety standards.
IEC 60840, titled "Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um = 170 kV)," steps into the domain of high-voltage transmission. This standard is tailored for applications requiring electrical power transmission over longer distances at higher voltages. Key areas covered include:
While both standards share the common goal of ensuring cable quality and safety, they diverge significantly in their scope and application:
Selecting the correct power cable is not merely a technical decision but a strategic one that impacts electrical infrastructure's overall reliability and safety. Understanding the nuances between IEC 60502 and IEC 60840 allows engineers and consultants to make informed decisions, ensuring that the infrastructure not only meets current needs but is also poised for future challenges. Whether designing a robust medium-voltage distribution network or a high-voltage transmission line, knowing these standards is indispensable for the project's success.
When metallic cable sheaths or armour of three-phase single core cables are unbonded or bonded at only one end, a voltage is induced at the unbonded ends. Should both ends be bonded, a circulating current flows in the sheath or armour as a result of the induced voltage.
This note presents a method to calculate the induced voltage and circulating currents. While presented for cable sheaths, the method is equally applicable to armouring.
The inductive voltage induced per unit length in the sheath of a single core cable is given by:
with and
For a three phase set of cables this is expanded to[2]:
, ,
Circulating current is made up of two components:
For a single core cable, the capacitance is given by:
Leakage current in the insulation can be ignored and the capacitive current for each phase per unit length is given by:
For sheaths bonded to ground at one end only, the total capacitive current is given by multiplying the above by the total cable length.
For sheaths bonded to ground at both ends the, the capacitive current can flow in two directions towards the ground. For simplicity, it can be assumed that the current divides equally (Is1/2 for example). This can be added (or subtracted) to the inductive current to give an estimate of maximum sheath circulating current.
For sheaths bonded at only one end, no inductive current can flow. The inductive circulating current for sheaths bonded at both ends is given by dividing the induced sheath voltage by the impedance:
The sheath resistance can be estimated from:
The sheath reactance Xs, for cables bonded at both ends, depends on the configuration and can be approximated by[3]:
trefoil -
flat, no transposition -
flat, regular transposition -
Note: the calculation of sheath voltage and currents is complex and is affected by the conductor current, the physical construction of the cable, installation arrangements and deliberate or accidental parallel current paths. Given, this complexity the results obtained by the calculation method presented, should be considered as indicative of magnitude rather than a measurable value.
To reduce sheath induced voltages and circulating current, cables are often cross bonded and transposed. Figure 1 illustrates the cross bonding and transposition of cables.
By cross bonding as shown, over three sections the induced voltage in each section is 120° phase shifted. Summation of the phase shifted voltages reduces the overall induced voltage and circulating currents.
Figure 1. Cross Bonding and Transposition of cables
For balanced cables in a trefoil, the induced sheath currents are symmetrical, and cross bonding only of the sheaths is required. For flat formation, the induced voltages vary across phases and to balance out the induced voltages it is necessary to transpose (rearrange) the cables.
The calculation of induced voltages and sheath currents described can be extended to cover differing arrangements of cross bonding and transposing of cables.
[1] Moore G. Electric cables handbook/BICCCables. Oxford: BSCI; 2000. [2] Chen, Wu, Cheng, Yan. Sheath circulating current calculations and measurements of underground power cables. Xi'an Jiaotong University; [3] IEC 60287-1. Electric cables - calculation of the current rating, part 1-1: current rating equations (100% load factor) and calculation of losses - general, IEC; 2006
As - cross-sectional area of sheath, m2 C - capacitance, F.m-1 dc - diameter of the conductor, m ds - inside diameter of the sheath, m f - frequency, Hz I - cable conductor current, A I1, I2, I3 - conductor phase current of L1, L2 and L3, A Is1, Is2, Is3 - sheath phase current of L1, L2 and L3, A Ls - inductance of sheath, H.m-1 Rs - resistance of the sheath, Ω.m-1 S - distance between cable centres, m S12 - distance of cable centres between L1 and L2, m S23 - distance of cable centres between L2 and L3, m S31 - distance of cable centres between L3 and L1, m ts - the thickness of sheath, m X1, X3, Xa, Xb - reactance formulas; sheath induced voltage, Ω.m-1 Xm - mutual reactance between conductor and sheath, Ω/unit length Xs - sheath reactance, Ω.m-1 Us - sheath voltage, V U1, U2, U3 - phase voltage of L1, L2 and L3, V Us1, Us2, Us3 - sheath inductive phase voltage of L1, L2 and L3, V ɑs - temperature coefficient of resistivity, per °C η - sheath/conductor temperature ratio (typically 0.7-0.8) ϵo - permittivity of freespace = 8.854187819x10-12 F/m ϵr - relative permittivity of a dielectric θ - service temperature of conductor, °C ρs - resistivity of sheath, Ω.m ω - angular frequency = 2πf, s-1
This is a blog post by Steven McFadyen, which first appeared on, July 25th, 2011
A recurring theme I encounter is cable sizing. Now many installations are unique and require special consideration. However, a lot of the time cable selection is a repeated activity. When looking at low voltage power cables I generally always start with the same basic strategy.
while you cannot say "once you have selected one cable you have selected all cables', you may be able to get away with saying "once you have selected a few cables you have selected most cables"
Finally, we need a disclaimer here. While the above is suitable for most situations (low voltage power), it does not cover every case. There are situations which are different, unique or require some special consideration. To evaluate these situations, one of the best things is to understand fully the characteristics of the load the cable will be supplying, the environment it is being installed in and be aware of other overriding issues. If you can do this, any necessary adjustments to the eight point plan often become apparent.