"use strict";
* Returns a list conductor materials which can be used in Electrical Functions.
* ID, Symbol and Description.
* @param {boolean} header header optional parameter, will display header row if set to true
* @return ID, Symbol and Description
* @customfunction
function materialConductors(header) {
var json = httpGetCall("materials/conductors");
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var result = dataItemArray(data,enDataType.conductors, header);
return result;
* Electrical resistivity of a conductor, Ohm.m
* @param {number} input The conductor material ID
* @return Conductor resistivity, Ohm.m
* @customfunction
function materialConductorResistivity(conductorMaterialID) {
var json = httpGetCall("materials/conductors/" + conductorMaterialID);
var data = JSON.parse(json);
return data.Resistivity;
* Volumetric heat capacity of a conductor, J.(1/K).(1/m3)
* @param {number} input The conductor material ID.
* @return Volumetric heat capacity of resistivity, J.(1/K).(1/m3)
* @customfunction
function materialConductorVolumetricHeatCapacity(conductorMaterialID) {
var json = httpGetCall("materials/conductors/" + conductorMaterialID);
var data = JSON.parse(json);
return data.VolumetricHeatCapacity;
* Temperature coefficient of a conductor, 1/K.
* @param {number} input The conductor material ID.
* @return Temperature coefficient of resistivity, 1/K.
* @customfunction
function materialConductorTemperatureCoefficient(conductorMaterialID) {
var json = httpGetCall("materials/conductors/" + conductorMaterialID);
var data = JSON.parse(json);
return data.TemperatureCoefficient;